51st Graduation of International Students at Kursk State Medical Universit
30th June 2024

June 28 at the Sviridovsky concert hall was filled with smiles and happy eyes of graduates and their parents from different parts of the world. On June 28, 2024, a graduation ceremony was held at Kursk State Medical University for international students.

The 51st graduation of doctors at the KSMU International Medical Institute brought together 221 graduates from 16 countries: India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Nigeria, Brazil, Thailand, Tajikistan, Maldives, South Africa, Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Palestine, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan and Uzbekistan in the specialties of General Medicine and Biotechnology under the double degree program with Bukhara State Medical University named after Abu Ali ibn Sino of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

16 graduates who distinguished themselves with their achievements during their studies received diplomas with honours, which testifies to their high professional level and desire for improvement.

This grand event at KSMU did not happen by chance in our city. As V.A. Lazarenko noted: “Today, KSMU is a leader in the export of medical education, the head university in the volunteer mission, youth and educational policy, which is worthily represented in world rankings.”
The Rector emphasized the importance of international cooperation in the field of medicine, noting that KSMU graduates will contribute to the development of healthcare not only in their own countries, but also around the world.
The distinguished guests congratulated the graduates and their parents on receiving their medical diplomas and wished them to approach their profession responsibly, love their patients and continue to learn medicine.
The award ceremony took place in a warm, friendly atmosphere. The graduates proudly displayed their diplomas, took photos with their loved ones, shared their emotions and plans for the future.

The presence of high-ranking officials gave special significance to this celebration: KSMU Rector Prof. V.A. Lazarenko, Kursk Region Dep. Governor Prof. A.V. Belostotsky, Embassy of Brazil in RF Attaché Reinaldo Viotto Ferraz Junior, Dep. Chairman of the Government of Kursk Region – Minister of Internal & Youth Policy of Kursk Region E.V. Lobov, Kursk Region Minister of Education and Science N.A. Bastrikova, Dep. Head of the Administration of the city of Kursk S.A. Kotlyarov, First Deputy Minister of Health of Kursk Region Prof. P.V. Kalutsky, Dep. Chairman of the Kursk City Assembly A.A. Chertova, the Main Directorate Dep. Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs RF for Kursk Region, Police Colonel D.V. Kosenkov, Kursk Regional Court Chairman O.V. Kravchenko, Committee for Social, Family Policy Dep. Chairman & Healthcare of the Kursk Regional Duma N.I. Panibratov, Soviet District of the Kursk Region Dep. Head A.G. Alistratov, as well as university staff, parents, relatives & friends of the graduates.