The Ministry of Health of Russia has started a series of educational videos about reproductive health on Rutube
6th May 2022

The Ministry of Health of Russia has started a series of educational videos for specialists about reproductive health on the Rutube platform.
Experts in various fields will answer the main questions and debunk myths. So, the chief freelance gynecologist of the Ministry of Health of Russia Leyla Adamyan, specialist in therapy and general medical practice Oksana Drapkina, specialist in male reproductive health Oleg Apolikhin and others will share their experience and knowledge with Russians.
Among the topics of the videos: “The impact of SARS-CoV-2 on the reproductive health of men and women”, “Red flags for parents: how to suspect the pathology of the reproductive sphere in a child”, “Risk factors for the development of malignant neoplasms of the breast. Simple answers to women’s questions.” It is already possible to learn about the impact of anthropogenic chemicals on reproductive health from Natalia Dolgushina, Chief Specialist in Women’s reproductive Health of the Ministry of Health of Russia.
The video is available on the official channel “Reproductive Health” on Rutube.
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