Rector of KSMU welcomes International parents
27th June 2024

Traditionally, on the eve of the graduation ceremony for international students, more than 500 parents and relatives of international students come to attend the solemn event.
On June 27, 2024, the guests were greeted by the rector of KSMU, Prof. V.A. Lazarenko, and director IMI KSMU, Assoc. Prof. M.T. Chahine. welcomed the parents & noted: “KSMU creates favorable conditions and strives to provide constant support to international students so that they can succeed during their stay with us in their studies and science. We will be glad to see your children and grandchildren among the students of KSMU.”
This year, 375 international students from 18 countries of the world will receive their medical diplomas, which confirms the successful mission of KSMU to create an international and interconfessional environment for the professional development of future doctors.
At the end of the meeting, the employees of the IMI KSMU organized a university tour for the guests.