by ksmuinternal | Apr 7, 2022 | News
April, 5, 2022 at XII all-Russian Conference with international participation of ” Medical education week” T.V. Semenova, the Deputy Minister of Healthcsare of the RF and P.V. Glibochko, prodessor, academician of the RAS, rector of I.M. Sechenov First...
by ksmuinternal | Apr 7, 2022 | News
April, 6, 2022 VI all-Russian Research and Practice conference took place in medical and pharmaceutical college for students of professional and educational organizations “Step into the future”. The purpose of the conferenece is to create...
by ksmuinternal | Apr 7, 2022 | News
The university runs a charity collection of books and textbooks within the action “Books to Donbass”. The target of this action is to to give the children of Donbass the opportunity to learn and develop. The following children`s books are accepted:...
by ksmuinternal | Apr 7, 2022 | News
On Friday, April 8, 2022, the First Republican Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “Topical questions of oncodermatology” will be held in Gomel (Republic of Belarus) on the basis of the Educational Institution...
by ksmuinternal | Apr 7, 2022 | News
The problem of health has been affecting the minds of mankind for many centuries. With every decade, human life duration increases due to the constant development, improvement of medicine and regular discoveries in this field. A few decades ago, people were dying from...
by ksmuinternal | Apr 7, 2022 | News
On 02.04.2022, the creative teams of Sri Lanka and India of the International Medical Institute of KSMU performed their traditional bright and colorful numbers at the festival “Student Spring of the Nightingale Land 2022”. Performing skill, staginess,...