Dear Students and parents
12th August 2024

I hope this message finds you well. We understand that the current situation in Kursk City is causing concern, and we wanted to provide you with an update.

First and foremost, we want to assure you that the safety and well-being of our students is our top priority. We are closely monitoring the situation and are in constant communication with local authorities to ensure that we are taking all necessary precautions.

We have received reports of a Ukrainian attack on border villages in the Kursk Region. While this is concerning, we want to emphasize the importance of remaining calm and relying on official university announcements for the most up-to-date confirmed information. taking in to consideration that plenty of fake news in social media and in international media. We kindly request that you refrain from spreading unverified news, as this can often lead to confusion and panic.

At this time, Kursk is still remain in yellow zone as it was since the beginning of the “special military operation” . All security measures have been taken and the city operating its daily activities as per usual. However , due to the recent impact of fake news that have reached international level, and for the sake of calming parents peace of mind , the university administration have decided to offer an option for online study during the month of September 2024. Each student will voice out their choice via their group leader’s. Then, only group leaders will have to send the information in excel format to his/her Deputy Head of Education.
We are confident and hopeful that before the end of this period, the situation will have fully returned to the normality that preceded the last few days, and we will move back to the usual delivery of courses on campus.

We understand that this is a stressful time, however,we want to assure you that we are doing everything in our power to keep you safe. We are committed to providing you with the support and resources you need to continue your studies.

Please know that we are here for you. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the university administration. We are here to support you in every step of the way.

May God keep all of us safe.

Together we will overcome any difficulties!

Viktor Anatolyevich Lazarenko,
Rector of KSMU,
Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation,
Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation,
Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor,
Deputy of the Kursk Regional Duma of the VII convocation,
Honorary Citizen of the City of Kursk