28th June 2024

On June 26, 2024, a career guidance meeting was held for graduates of the International Medical Institute of the Kursk State Medical University with Isakh Kakarama Abdulnafiou, an assistant at the Department of Internal Diseases No. 1, on the last day of his work at KSMU.

Doctor Kakarama shared the story of his studies KSMU and the formation of his career as a doctor and mentor in Russia. He told the new specialists, who will literally receive their diplomas tomorrow, about the difficulties and victories on the path to their dream, about all the professional growth opportunities for a foreign doctor in Russia. Kakarama emphasized the high quality of training at KSMU and compared the quality of Russian education and education in other countries, thereby explaining the choice in favor of studying at a Russian university. He urged all graduates to receive postgraduate education, which is necessary in all countries without exception. He talked about the benefits of studying at KSMU.