16th May 2022

More than three hundred nurses from Kursk as well as from other parts of the region gathered in the assembly hall of the Medical University for the holiday. They represented all healthcare institutions in the region. The heroines of the festivities were congratulated by the rector of KSMU V.A. Lazarenko and the first persons of regional health care: Deputy Governor A.V. Belostotsky, Chairman of the Health Committee E.V. Pishinnaya, Deputy Chairman of the Standing Committee of the Regional Duma on Social, Family Policy and Health Care S.L. Biryukov.
– Your attention and care save and prolong the lives of patients. Your work was especially valuable during the coronavirus pandemic, when you overcame huge loads and provided assistance to patients in difficult conditions,” Andrei Belostotsky noted.
– A good nurse is half the success – Viktor Lazarenko emphasized. – As a doctor, I admit that a significant part of the practical treatment depends on nurses. The results of our work also depends on their professionalism, sincerity, kind words to the patient.
Viktor Anatolyevich spoke about the participation of KSMU in the training of nurses: the specialty “nursing” has recently been introduced to the Kursk Medical and Pharmaceutical College. And studying at the university department of the same name gives the 3d year students the opportunity to work as part of the secondary medical level.
The best representatives of this charitable profession were presented with awards on this day – certificates of honor and gratitude from the Governor of the Kursk region, the Health Committee, the Kursk Regional Duma, gratitude letters from the Rector of KSMU V.A. Lazarenko.
After the official part there was a concert prepared by the Center for Creative Development of KSMU.