International Students of IMI KSMU performed at the FETOV readings
2nd July 2023

On July 2, 2023, at the estate of the great Russian poet A.A.Fet in d. Vorobyovka, Kursk district, annual Fetov readings were held, The students of the International Medical Institute of KSMU and their teachers took part in this wonderful poetic holiday. students recited A.A. Fet’s poems by heart and sang romances based on his poems. 3rd year student Iqbal Bin Rafid read the poem “I won’t tell you anything..”, 1st year student Irfan Fairuz performed the poem “Butterfly”. Rina Bernadette, a 6th year student, won special sympathy from the audience for her performance of a romance based on A. Fet’s poems “Whisper, Timid Breathing …”.
Russian poetry helps International students to get to know Russian culture better, master the Russian language, understand traditions and customs and fall in love with Russia.

After the concert, An excursion to the house-museum of A.A.Fet was held for students and teachers.