Mikhail Murashko addressed citizens on the eve of long holidays
9th May 2022

– The preservation of human life and health often directly depends on compliance with established rules and health-saving behavior. At the beginning of the summer season, it is important not to overdo it with physical activity. People with chronic diseases should not forget to take medications prescribed by their doctor. During the long holidays, unfortunately, we observe an increase in the number of road accidents with victims. During the first 6 days of May, 211 people, including 10 children, died as a result of road accidents on the country’s roads. Road traffic injuries often entail serious health consequences and can lead to disability. From May 1 to May 6, 2,144 people were injured in an accident, 309 of whom were children.
I urge drivers and pedestrians to be extremely careful on the roads, observe traffic rules, do not neglect motorcycle helmets and seat belts, use child car seats according to the age of the child and in no case get behind the wheel while intoxicated. Remember that there is no safe dose of alcohol for driving a car.