7th October 2022

Mental Health Day has been an annual event since 1992 with the support of WHO and the World Federation for Mental Health. In Russia, Mental Health Day has been celebrated since 2002 at the initiative of academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences T.B. Dmitrieva. The purpose of Mental Health Day is to inform the population about mental health and ways to strengthen it.

Mental health, as defined by the World Health Organization, is a state of well-being in which a person can realize his or her own potential, cope with the usual stresses of life, work productively and contribute to the life of his or her community. It is a state of complex well-being that allows you to cope with any difficulty in life.

How to preserve and strengthen your mental health?

1. Exercise moderately!

2. Eat right and balanced!

3. Provide conditions for a good quality sleep! Deep sleep restores the body.

4. Organize a comfortable workplace for yourself!

5. Take time to do what you love!

6. Do not keep negative emotions inside! Use convenient ways to “spit them out” without harming yourself and others.

7. Observe work and rest schedule!

Sometimes you just have to talk it out. Don’t accumulate or carry your problems. Choose an adequate way to express negative emotions and strategies to overcome stressful states. Develop positive thinking, learn to rejoice in the simplest things and stop pumping negative information into yourself every day. Develop your talents and interests, because the more you know and can, the more interesting life becomes. The sense of competence that comes with the development of skills can be a reliable support for self-esteem. And finally, listen to yourself, your feelings and worries, emotions, bodily sensations.

Remember, your happiness depends on you!

Take care of yourself!