Parents of Malaysian students visited KSMU
12th August 2024

The beginning of a new academic year is an exciting time not just for students but their parents as well. This is the time where they can immerse themselves in the university atmosphere and learn more about what lies ahead for their children.
On August 12, 2024, Kursk State Medical University welcomed parents of Malaysian students.
Guests were presented with a unique opportunity to tour the campus and the main attractions of the university.
They visited the Museum Stairs of the main campus, the Anatomical Theater demonstrating the complex anatomy of the human body (more than 500 exhibits ), aroused special interest among the parents, whose also have a medical education.
While walking around KSMU campus, the guests noticed numerous memorial sites that reflects the rich history of the university. The Students Square drew particular attention , where future doctors spend their free time, enjoying the fresh air while interacting with classmates.

KSMU University Clinic caught the most attention from the parents. The modern equipment, comfortable conditions for patients and highly qualified staff made a lasting impression on the guests.
Another impressive place was the KSMU library. Its unique design, cozy atmosphere for work and leisure, as well as a huge selection of books in different languages.
Parents acquainted with the university that will become their children’s second home.