10th May 2022

“Past years living memory”: a concert dedicated to the 77th anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War was held at the Kursk Medical University.
A few days before the holiday on May 9, the premiere of the theatrical concert “Past years living memory” took place on the stage of the assembly hall of KSMU. In the production, the audience was told the story about the graduates of our university who first met this terrible war…
The original script was written by he Center of Creative Development of KSMU together with the University History Museum. The plot is based on the memorable photo album of the graduates of the Kursk Medical Institute in 1941.
At first, the directors of the production “transferred” the viewer to June 22, 1941. Graduation, joyful, dressed up girls and guys are taking a memorable photo. And, of course, they are making plans for the future: someone wants to become a pediatrician, someone wants to become a military doctor, someone dreams of inventing a cure for measles. But suddenly the voice of Yuri Levitan sounded, announcing the beginning of the war, destroyed the peaceful dreams of young doctors.
In the performance of the creative team “The Door to Summer”, the events of that time came to life. Our graduates fought, saved the wounded on the battlefields, faithfully performed medical and military duty. Of the 190 graduates in 1945, only three will meet again. One of them is Anna Iosifovna Kaplinskaya, who carefully preserved an album with photographs from 1941. Now this album is a unique exhibit of the KSMU History Museum.
Bright concert numbers performed by ensembles of the Center of Creative Development of KSMU “Harmony”, “Rhythm”, “Insight” perfectly fit into the storyline of the performance-concert. There were songs about the war of different years – some painfully familiar to each of us, others — completely new. The concert ended with the legendary song”Victory Day” performed by the soloist of the vocal ensemble “Harmony” Alexander Stepkin. On the first chords of this song, the audience stood up and began to applaud, many had tears in their eyes.
– Victory Day remains one of the main state and national holidays, – said the vice-rector of KSMU for Educational Work, Social Development and Public Relations Alesya Kuznetsova. – This is truly a holiday with tears in our eyes – the losses of our country in that war were colossal. Our main task is to preserve the national memory and pass it on to the younger generations. We often hear: “Stop living in the past, it’s time to focus on the future!”. But a nation that has forgotten history cannot have a future. Therefore, That is why KSMU pays great attention to the civil-patriotic direction of educational work.