4th May 2022

On April 29, 2022, a 6-hour Festival of volunteer health-saving practices ” Smiles сonstellation” took place within the walls of Kursk Medical University!
The smile was a pass-ticket to the Festival!
It started with the presentation of the directions of the project “Health created by hands”, within which the following directions were presented: “First developments: the way the social project “Smile of life” began”; A collection of project books “We talk about difficult things – simply”; “Melody of life”; “We cook together with students- doctors”; “Board games”; “Field medicine – practice area”; “Prevention of dental diseases”.
A large festive concert was held in the assembly hall of the Kursk State Medical University with the participation of invited collectives and studios of the Center for Creative Development and Additional Education of KSMU.
Their welcoming and congratulatory words presented : Alla Albertovna Chertova – Chairman of the Kursk City Assembly of the IV convocation; Natalia Gennadievna Listopadova – Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Kursk Region; Vladimir Vladimirovich Grebenkin – Chairman of the Youth Policy Committee of the Kursk Region; Alexandra Sergeevna Chudnova – Deputy Head of the Resource Center for Volunteerism of the Kursk region; Igor Alekseevich Kolyshev – Head of the Youth Policy Department politics, physical culture and sports of the city of Kursk; Vasily Petrovich Gavrilyuk – Vice-Rector for Educational Activities and General Issues, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor; Alesya Anatolyevna Kuznetsova – Vice–Rector for Educational Work, Social Development and Public Relations of KSMU, Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor; Lyudmila Nikolaevna Shulgina – Associate Professor of the Department of Nursing, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, scientific supervisor of the project; Maria Andreevna and Anastasia Andreevna Tolmacheva are Russian -songwriters, winners of the children’s Eurovision Song Contest 2006 with their song and participants of the adult Eurovision Song Contest 2014, who noted the importance and social significance of the project.
Congratulatory video massages were presented from the Russian state political and public figure, Chairman of the State Duma Committee of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Youth Policy, Chairman of the Association of Volunteer Centers – Artem Pavlovich Metelev, Chairman of the All-Russian Public Organization “Russian Red Cross” – Pavel Olegovich Savchuk, Soviet and Russian singer, performer of Russian folk songs; People’s Artist of the Russian Federation – Nadezhda Evgenievna Krygina.
The event was attended not only by students of KSMU, but also participants from schools in Kursk and the Kursk region, the staff of the Regional Youth Palace, heads of regional and city organizations, public figures of the Kursk region and the city of Kursk, volunteers and activists of the region.
A festive photo zone was organized for the guests and participants of the festival, together with the Regional Youth Palace and the Youth Policy Committee of the Kursk Region, a dance program was organized on the summer stage of the Kursk State Medical University.
The holiday was a success! And at the end, a birthday cake was waiting for everyone!