8th July 2024

On July 6, as part of the ambassador visit to the Kursk region, a distinguished guest, the head of the representative office of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka in the Russian Federation – Ambassador Pakeer Mohideen Amza, made a friendly visit to KSMU.

The purpose of the Ambassador’s visit was to get acquainted with one of the best medical universities in Russia, where 138 students from Sri Lanka are studying, as well as to expand cooperation with KSMU, including within the framework of the Russian-Lankan University Association of Medical and Related Sciences, which was established a year ago.

On July 5, Ambassador Pakeer Mohideen Amza visited the Kursk Korenskaya Fair, in particular the KSMU and the Sri Lankan Consulate in Kursk exhibition stands.

In a warm and friendly atmosphere, the His excellency Pakeer Mohideen Amza met with the Rector of KSMU, Prof. V.A. Lazarenko and the Director of International Medical Institute KSMU / Honorary consul of DSR Sri Lanka Assoc. Prof. Mohamad Chahine, During the conversation, a number of topics for further negotiations were outlined. A tour in the university premises was organized for the distinguished guest.

Pakeer Mohideen Amza showed genuine interest in the history of KSMU, and carefully examined the unique extensive exposition of the Anatomical Theater.

Later, in one of KSMU lecture hall, a meeting of the Ambassador with from Sri Lankan students of KSMU took place. The students told about the conditions of their stay in the Kursk region, the great care for their safety and the fact that KSMU administration does everything possible to make the life of the students in KSMU rich and interesting, and the educational process as effective as possible. Sri Lankan students gladly participate in cultural and sports events, visit museums, exhibitions and concerts, and with interest study the Russian language, history and culture of Russia and the Kursk region.