For three years the Traumatology and Orthopedics Circle for English-speaking students has been functioning in KSMU under the guidance of Dr. Rajkumar Densing Samuel Raj, Associate Professor of the Department. In 2023, declared the Year of the Educator and Mentor, the work of the circle was particularly successful.
On February 16-17, 2024 in Moscow, students of the Department of Traumatology and Orthopedics of Kursk Medical University showed their knowledge at the IX Congress dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Sergei Timofeevich Zatsepin “The problem of osteoporosis in traumatology and orthopedics. Emphasis on the patient: the path from theory to practice”.
The organizers of this congress were:
-Russian Ministry of Health;
-Society of Regenerative Traumatology and Orthopedics;
-Association of Traumatologists and Orthopedists of Russia;
-N.N. Priorov Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics (TsITO) of the Russian Ministry of Health Ministry of Health of Russia;
-Medical Association on Osteonecrosis.
The representatives of our university were sixth year IMI students: Korekar Kshitij Prakash and Nurul Hanis Amira Binti Nurul Khalizam under the supervision of Rajkumar Densing Samuel Raj. Korekar Kshitij Prakash reported and published a thesis on Robot-Assisted Core Decompression Surgery in Osteonecrosis. Nurul Hanis Amira Binti Nurul Halizam performed and published the work “The role of bone mineral density assessment in preoperative planning between Malaysia and Russia” (“The role of bone mineral density assessment in preoperative planning between Malaysia and Russia”).
The work of the scientific circle was appreciated by the members of the organizing committee, in particular, Dr. M.Sc, Professor, head of the scientific department of metabolic osteopathies and bone tumors of FGBU NIIC TO (CITO) Rodionova Svetlana Semenovna, deputy director for science of FGBU NIIC TO Vertile Marchel Stepanovich, senior researcher of the center of metabolic osteopathies and bone tumors of FGBU NIIC TO named after N.N.Priorov (CITO), president of the medical association for osteonecrosis Tograshin Alexander Nikolaevich.