- 2. OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
- 8. INTERNAL DISEASES FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
- 13. CHILDREN'S SURGERY AND PEDIATRICS FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
- 56. PHARMACIES FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
- 60. SURGICAL DISEASES FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
OBSTETRICS AND GYNECOLOGY FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Professor LAZAREVA Galina Anatolevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
is the author of more than 130 scientific papers and 4 patents for inventions. Prepared under her leadership 4 candidates of medical sciences. Member of the dissertation council for the defense of doctoral and master’s theses, methodological council of the FPE, problem committee, council for continuing education, member of the Russian Association for Cervical Pathology and Colposcopy. An active participant in scientific conferences and congresses, a regular participant in the international Russian forum Mother and Child, is included in the encyclopedia Doctors of Russia and Scientists of Russia.
Tha Staff of the Departments:
Associate Professor KHURASEVA Anna Borisovna
Associate Professor KONOPLYA Aleksey Aleksandrovich
Associate Professor MEDVEDEVA Irina Nikolaevna
Assistant at the Department of Omasharif Binti Jamal
Assistant of the Department MALTSEVA Alla Nikolaevna
Associate Professor ANGALEVA Elena Nikolaevna
The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Advanced Medical Studies, Kursk State Medical University, was founded in 1986. On the basis of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medicine. The base of the department was the leading obstetric institution of the Kursk region – the regional perinatal center.
Of great importance and practical necessity was the training of qualified personnel, for which the most experienced teachers were involved in the department, who gave a lot of energy and energy to scientific and pedagogical work.
Professor KHARCHENKO Vladimir Vasilievich
The Head of the department
honored worker of higher school, DSc, professor has been the head of the department since 1999. 9 PhD and 2 DSc work at the department.
The department staff are engaged in studying microcirculation and innervation of peripheral nerve sheaths, pulmonary pleura, arachnoid and spinal marrow membranes, nasal mucous membranes; impact of external factors on the state of peripheral nerves and gastrointestinal tract organs in vibration, gravitation, hyperkinesia, blood flow disturbance; influence of the acute ischemia of the gastrointestinal tract organs on the microcirculation and lymphoid organs, influence of medicinal preparations on the heart function.
On the basis of the material studied 6 theses for the degree of DSc (E.M. Smolyar, V.A. Ivanov, V.V. Kharchenko, E.S. Chernomortseva, N.N. Kaznacheev) and 23 theses for the degree of PhD were defended; 3 monographs were published, 7 patents were approved for the inventions, over 300 articles were published, the results of the works were introduced in practical medicine (ore mining and processing enterprise (GOK), regional hospitals of Kursk, Bryansk, Orel, Smolensk, Volgograd, Orenburg, Simferopol, Tomsk, Moscow, St-Petersburg).
Anesthesiology, intensive care and intensive care of FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Professor SUMIN Sergey Alexandrovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
honorary worker of Higher Education Institutions of the Russian Federation, honorary worker of science and education of Kursk region, Veteran of Kursk State Medical University, physician of superior qualification merit in speciality “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”. Sergey Aleksandrovich is a laureate of the annual prize in the sphere of medical and pharmaceutical education of higher education institutions of Russia in nomination “For the complex of educational editions”.
The academic teaching staff of the Department consists of 15 members. Among them there are two Doctors of Science, ten Doctors of Philosophy, 2 Professors and four Associate Professors.
Most of the department workers are the physicians of superior merit.
The staff members of the department are teaching the following subjects:
“Reanimation and intensive therapy” for 6-year students of the medical faculty and medical and preventative care, 5th-year students of the international faculty. “Practical course on first-aid at emergency situations” for third-year students of the faculty of clinical psychology.
The teachers of the department prepare the doctors in the residency and the internship in speciality “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”, “Transfusiology” and “Intensive therapy”.
Residency and internship training consist of theory, practice, preparation on related subjects, visiting of elective courses, training simulation course and passing of externship. There is carried out training of practical doctors at professional development programme and professional retraining in specialities “Anesthesiology and resuscitation”, “Toxicology”, “Transfusiology”, “Thrombolytic therapy” on budgetary and commercial bases.
The department takes active part in staff training for practical healthcare. For the last 20 years there have been prepared more than 400 interns and residents.
The staff members of the department participate in a high-priority national project in the field of Healthcare; carry out lecture cycles out of the university, practical trainings with the doctors of Kursk, Belgorod and Orel regions.
The scientific field of the department is “Development of anesthetic support and intensive therapy in patients with various pathologies”.
The department teachers carry out their medical activity in basic medical establishments in the form of consultations, participations in the councils of physicians, conferences of the doctors, providing anesthetic support, duties in anesthesiology and resuscitation department, departures with the first aid team, quality control of first aid.
Professor KOROLEV Vladimir Anatolyevich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Biological Sciences
The department was established on 1987. The department medico-genetic laboratory research is aimed at studying genetic foundations of the multifactorial diseases’ development in a human being.
The department conducts intensive study in the field of cytogenetics and molecular human genetics. Polymorphism of heterochromatic regions is studied. Chromosomal aberrations (deletions, inversions, translocations, duplications) are considered as indications of spontaneous human mutagenesis. Besides, functional activity of the ribosomal genes in various forms of multifactorial pathology in children and adult population is studied. The department staff have performed a series of studies aimed at searching for new candidate genes of socially significant human diseases.
Professor LAZURINA Lyudmila Petrovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Biological Sciences
Member of Academy of Sciences in Ecology and Safety, Corresponding member of Russian Academy of Natural History (RANH), the chairman of task group «Biotechnology. Biomedical engineering», the chairman of subject-cyclic commission in «Biotechnology», Vice-Chairman at the methodic council of the biotechnological faculty, the member of Education and Methodics Association (EMA) in chemical technological education in «Biotechnology» and «Chemical technology of organic substances», the member of EMA in manufacturing technologies of medicinal preparations, the expert of Accreditation center of Russian Society for Engineering Education (RSEE).
The staff consists of 23 persons. There are four Professors, ScDs, and 11 PhDs.
The students of biotechnological faculty are taught here. Teaching is conducted in Russian.
The main direction in scientific research: «Biomedical engineering» where topical problems of medico-ecological IT are solved, they are: synthesis and study of new compounds with biological activity; production of medicinal forms on their basis; development of technologies to obtain materials for medicinal purposes; development of disease diagnostic techniques according to trace elements status and electric characteristics of projection zones.
The Pedagogical School: «The development of active teaching methods for biotechnologists».
The Methodic School: «Working out of Educational and Methodics Complex for training in «Biotechnology».
Practical facilities: «Pharmstandard Leksredstva», «Canonpharma production», «UNIKA engineering», «Moscow Endocrine Factory», «Kurskhimvolokno», Federal State Budgetary Establishment “The institute of bioorganic chemistry after academicians M.M. Shemyakin and Yu.A. Ovchinnikov” of Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal State Budgetary Establishment «Scientific research institution of epidemiology and microbiology after N.F. Gamalei» and others.
The staff actively carries out educational work with students. The department has four clubs attached to it, such as «Green Forces», «Biorhythm», «Memory», and «Leader».
Professor KONOPLYA Alexander Ivanovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Honored worker of the Higher Russian School. The main directions of the scientific research: studying the processes of the immune homeostasis keeping, the role of the free radical processes, oxidation of the lipids under the conditions of the experiment and clinical picture of the pathology of the liver, pancreas, urological, gynecological and dermo-venerological diseases. The program “The teacher of the high school” was passed by him.
Prokopenko L.G. – Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine), Honored Scientific worker of the Russian Federation, academician, Exemplary worker of the Health Care System. Honored professor of KSMU. The main directions of the scientific research: studying of the biochemical regulation and conducting mechanisms of the immune functions under the conditions, characterized by the disturbance of the energetic homeostasis of the organism–physical works, traumas, toxic and medical defeats of the liver and kidneys. The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by him.
Bystrova N.A. — Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine), the corresponding member of the Russian Scientific Academy. The main directions of the scientific research: pharmacological correction of the immunometabolic disturbances under different forms of stress and pathology. The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by her.
Smahtin M.Y. – Professor, Dr. Sc. (Biology). The main directions of the scientific research: studying of the effects and mechanisms of the regulatory peptides activities and amino acids under the physiological conditions and pathologies. Students’ scientific section is supervised by him.
Dolgoreva S.A. – Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine). The main directions of the scientific research: pharmacological correction of the functional erythrocytes’ conditional disturbances under pathologies. She is the director of studies. The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by her.
Ragulina V.A. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Biology). The main directions of the scientific research: immunopharmacology of the antioxidant system.
Sunyakina O.A. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. (Medicine). The main directions of the scientific research: The working out of the differential lab diagnostic criteria and the ways of immune status and lipid oxidation corrections under the pancreatitis. The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by her.
Ryzhikova G.N. – senior lecturer, Ph.D. (Biology). The main directions of the scientific research: Fatty soluble vitamins as immune reactions modulators under the toxic defeat of the liver».
Horlyakova O.V. – senior lecturer, Ph.D. (Pharmacy). The main directions of the scientific research: biochemical peculiarities of the lipid exchange under different forms of homeostasis.
The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by her. E-mail: KhorljakovaOV@kursksmu.net.
Azarova J. E. — assistant, Ph.D. (Medicine). She has a valid certificate IELTS academic (bandscore 8,0). The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by her. She is a member of young scientists’ biochemical association FEBS. The main directions of the scientific research: studying of the biochemical functions of erythrocytes and their participation in the regulation of the immune homeostasis.
Jachontov Y. O. — assistant, Ph.D. (Medicine). The main directions of the scientific research: studying of the immune-stimulation conditions of the animals’ blood serum under the influence of the high temperature.
SunaykinК. I. — assistant, Ph.D. (Biology). The main directions of the scientific research: studying of the physiological and immunological peculiarities under alcohol intoxication, accompanying by the changes of the temperature. The programme “The teacher of the high school” was passed by him.
Revina A.B. – Ph.D. (Biology). The main directions of the scientific research: The activity in the sub-cellular structures of different tissues.
Bushmina O.N.– assistant. The main directions of the scientific research: “Biochemical changes of the disturbances under the influence of the ethanol in case of acute experimental pancreatitis”.
Avdeeva L. S. — assistant. The main directions of the scientific research: studying of the alcohol influence on the immune function and the condition of the liver.
INTERNAL DISEASES FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Professor Pribilov Sergey Alexandrovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
“Honored doctor of the Russian Federation”, “Exemplary worker of the Health Care System”, “Respected professor of KSMU”; Barbashina T.A. — “Exemplary worker of the Health Care System”; Sidorets V.M.- “Veteran of KSMU”; Beznosov N.S. – “Veteran of KSMU”.
Teaching staff: 11 persons.
Teaching staff: 8 persons. All have either D.SC or Ph.D.
The training is conducted at the faculty of postgraduate education.
Clinical sites, practical sites – budgetary municipal establishment “Kursk regional city hospital”.
The main directions of the scientific research: pulmonary hypertension and chronic pulmonary heart at the patients with comorbide pathology; the mechanisms of the development and treatment of endothelial dysfunction under different chronic somatic diseases.
There is no scientific school functioning.
The main direction of the practical activities: cardiology, pulmonology.
The social mission (education, sport, voluntary activities): educational work with clinical interns and residents.
Professor KNYAZEVA Larisa Ivanovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
corresponding member of Russian Sc. Academy, exemplary worker of the Health Care System.
Goryainov I.I. – Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine).
Knyazeva L.I- Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine), corresponding member of Russian Sc. Academy, member of the Russian Rheumatologists’ Association, member of the experts’ committee in the Health Care System under the specialization «Rhumatology», member of the experts’ committee under the patients’ registry with the rheumatic arthritis, gout and such patients, who take genetically modified biological medicines, the Head of the therapeutical Center with the help of genetically modified biological medicines in Belgorod, the curator of the therapeutical Center with the help of genetically modified biological medicines in Kursk, the leading rheumatologist of Kursk, the member of the editorial committee of the magazine «Practitioners».
Stepchenko М.A. –Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine).
Bezgin А.V. – Professor, Dr. Sc. (Medicine).
Borisova N.А. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. (medicine), is rewarded by the official document of the Russian Health care system.
Lukashov А.А. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. (medicine), is rewarded by the official document of the Russian Health care system.
Ivakin V.Е. – Associate Professor, Ph.D. (medicine), doctor-in-chief.
Mezherina N.S. – assistant with Ph.D. (medicine).
Mal’zeva G.I. — assistant with Ph.D. (medicine), exemplary worker of the Health Care System.
Кochinova Е.А. – assistant with Ph.D. (medicine).
Vavilina Е.S. — assistant with Ph.D. (medicine).
Dymova N.V. — assistant with Ph.D. (medicine).
Xardikova Е.М. — assistant with Ph.D. (medicine).
All the teachers have an additional qualification and the diploma “Teacher of the High School”.
Faculties: medical, pediatric, stomatological, international.
The disciplines under teaching: internal diseases, faculty and hospital therapy.
Clinical sites, practical sites: budgetary municipal establishment “Kursk Regional Clinical Hospital”.
The main directions of the scientific research: immunological and geodynamical aspects of the internal pathology.
The scientific school: immunological and geodynamical aspects of the internal pathology.
The main directions of the practical activities: internal diseases (rheumatology, hematology, gastroenterology, pulmonology, endocrinology, nephrology).
The social mission: educational work is conducted at the department; Associate Professor Borisova N.А. is responsible for the educational work.
Professor MIKHIN Vadim Petrovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Teaching staff, scientific degrees, regalia
The academic teaching staff of the Department includes 19 members. Among them there are five Doctors of Science in Medicine, fourteen Philosophy Doctors in Medicine and three professors.
Discipline – optional therapy
Faculties — medical (4, 6 courses), of preventive medicine (4, 5, 6 courses), international (4, 4-s, 6, 6-s), 4 (Russian courses).
Clinical sites – Regional Budgetary Municipal establishment “Kursk State Clinical Hospital of Ambulance”
Practical sites
- Regional Clinical Hospital
- Regional Budgetary Municipal establishment “Kursk State Clinical Hospital of Ambulance”
- Departmental City Hospital at the station named “Kursk” of “Russian Railways”
- Kursk State City Hospital № 4
The main directions of the scientific research, scientific schools
- Treatment and prophylaxis of the arterial hypertension and ischemia, atherosclerosis.
- Regularities of the systemic functional organization in the diagnostics and presupposing of some acute pathological conditions.
The main directions of the practical activities – departments of the therapeutical profile (general therapeutical, endocrinological, cardiac, urgent cardiology, general neurology, toxic, the departments of the surgical profile, urological) under the questions of the therapy.
The social mission (education, sport, voluntary activities, etc.)
The conducting of the educational conferences, meetings with veterans of wars and working, help of different origin to orphan asylums, delivering lectures for old persons’ university, attending theatres, skating-rinks.
Professor IVANOV Alexander Viktorovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The teaching staff includes five Doctors of Philosophy in Medicine, one Doctor of Philosophy in Biology and three associate professors.
Students of the medical and pediatric faculty, the faculty of preventive medicine, dental faculty and international faculty as well are taught at the department.
Disciplines: histology, embryology, cytology; histology of the oral cavity.
The scientific direction: “Scientific research of blood substitutes with gas-transporting function and inhibitors of activated oxygen metabolites impact on reparative regeneration of the tissues in experimental influence of causative agents of various etiologies”.
Professor SILINA Larisa Vyacheslavovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The department of dermatovenereology was founded in 1938.
2 Doctors of Science in Medicine and 9 Philosophy Doctors in Medicine work at the department.
Scientific activity at the department is conducted at the main problem aspects of dermatovenereology: treatment of chronic itchy and lichenoid dermatosis, diagnostics and treatment of urinogenital infections; immunocorrection in cases of urinogenital infections and dermatosises; physiotherapy in dermatovenereology; new methods of treatment of acne, demodicosis and rosacea. The employees of the department have received 3 licenses for methods of treatment of psoriasis and 1 license for treatment of atopic dermatitis.
CHILDREN’S SURGERY AND PEDIATRICS FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Associate Professor Gavrilyuk Vasily Petrovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor SHAMARA Irina Fedotovna
The Head of the department
Candidate of Philology
Teaching staff: 12 persons: 5 persons – Associate Professors with PhD., 4 persons – Senior Lecturers, 3 persons – teachers.
Students of the medical faculty, stomatological faculty, pediatric faculty, the faculty of preventive medicine, the faculty of clinical psychology, biotechnological faculty, social work faculty, pharmaceutical faculty, economy and management faculty are taught here.
The main directions of the scientific research are: 1) historico-philological aspects of learning English in synchronism and diachronism; 2) didactic aspects of the communicative competence formation within the limits of the medical specialists’ training.
The name of the Pedagogical School:
The formation of the informational-communicative competence with the help of the foreign language within the limits of the medical specialists’ training under the conditions of the continuous medical education.
The main direction:
The search and creation of the optimal pedagogical conditions’ totality, which provides the development of the informational-communicative competence among students, post-graduate students, teachers under the conditions of the educational process while learning foreign languages.
The educational work of the department of foreign languages is directed to the increasing of the students’ general cultural level, enlarging their scope, the formation of the tolerance and understanding of other cultures. Much attention is paid to the studying of the deontological and medical ethics problems by the teachers during the lessons of foreign languages. A lot of information under the problems of ecology and environmental protection, healthy lifestyle is given to the students of different faculties. A lot of students gladly take part in the competitions of creative projects (presentations, video-rollers, etc.), exhibitions of the creative projects, annual event named “A Week of the Healthy Lifestyle”.
Micro conferences, competitions of the creative projects, exhibitions, musical projects and evening are held at the department.
Associate Professor KISELEVA Victoria Valentinovna
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The department of the infectious diseases is final for the students of the faculty of preventive medicine.
Teaching staff consists of 14 persons: one Doctor of Science in Medicine, ten PhD in Medicine, one Professor, seven Associate Professors, six assistants. 9 teachers have the highest qualification of the infectionist, 2 of them have the first one.
The teaching process is carried out at the following faculties: medical and pediatric faculties, faculty of medical and preventative care, international, dental.
Clinical sites: The main site of the department is Regional Budgetary Health Care Establishment “Regional Clinical Inflectional Hospital by N.A. Semashko”: its address is Sumskaya Street 45-g, Tel. 32-54-20.
Additional Sites: The Medical Department of the Regional Authority of Internal Affair – Кursk and Кursk region; address: Gogolya Street, 5.
Federal Service of Execution Authority Polyclinic, Federal State Establishment.
Аddress: Kursk, Pigoreva Street, 17
The main directions of the scientific research:
- Scientific research vitamins B exchange under hepatitis of different genesis;
- The use of immunomodulators and antioxidants under complex therapy of erysipelas.
At the department the methodical recommendations «The algorithm of the virus hepatitis С investigation» and «The algorithm of the patients’ with AIDS investigation» were prepared and multiplied. Medico-consultative work is constantly done at the department (including night duties in the in-patient department), emergency with the help of sanitary aviation, consultations in the medico-prophylactic establishments of the town and region as well.
The methodical recommendations “The first aid in case of children’s infectious diseases” and “Immunoprophylaxis of the infectious diseases” were worked out and inculcated into practice.
Professor YUDINA Svetlana Mikhailovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The department of clinical immunology and allergology of KSMU was opened in September 1986.
In 2001 the course of laboratory diagnostics has been created at the department for the listeners of the Faculty of Postgraduate Education, clinical residents and interns. The regional clinical hospital is the clinical base of the department.
The department consists of one Doctor and 6 Candidates of Medicine.
The main scientific direction of the department is the search of the immunopathogenetic mechanisms of an acute and chronic inflammation of various geneses, the development of ways of immunodiagnostic and immunocorrection of the immunopathological conditions. This scientific direction is developed since 1990.
Professor POVETKIN Sergey Vladimirovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The Department of Clinical Pharmacology staff consists of 7 teachers, among them — two Doctors of Science in Medicine, two professors, five Doctors of Philosophy in Medicine, two associate professors.
The clinical base of the Department is situated in Kursk municipal hospital #1 named after Korotkov.
The main areas of the research are working out of methodology of individualized pharmacotherapy; pharmacological regulation of pathologic processes; research and testing of new medical products.
Areas of practical activity: clinical pharmacology, therapy, cardiology.
Associate Professor KOSTROMINA Tatyana Arkadevna
The Head of the department
candidate of sociological sciences
Teaching of Latin (the basis of professional language of medicine) was conducted from the first day of existence of KSMU.
Till 1986 the section of Latin was as a part of the department of foreign and Latin languages.
Since 1986 there is an independent structural unit — the department of Latin renamed in 2004 into the department of Latin and basic terminology.
The main scientific direction of the department is: “Problems of modern medical terminology and methods of its studying in the versatile medical university”, it represents the teaching realization of Latin in the medical university as the professional focused humanitarian discipline.
Professor VOROTYNTSEVA Natalya Sergeevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
member of St. Petersburg Society of Radiation Therapists, chairwoman of Kursk and Belgorod Regional Research and Practice Societies of Radio Therapists.
The Department of Radio Diagnostics and Therapy was founded in 1955.
Nowadays the academic teaching staff of the Department includes 11members. Among them there are two professors, Doctor of Science in Medicine and eight Philosophy Doctors in Medicine.
Disciplines: “Radio diagnostics”, “Radio therapy”, “Ultrasound diagnostics”, “Roentgenology”.
Students of the Faculty of Medicine, Stomatology, Pediatrics, Medical and Preventative Care and International Faculty study at the Department of Radio Diagnostics and Therapy. The students are trained in Russian and English medium. Annuallyinterns and residents are trained in such disciplines as “Roentgenology” and “Ultrasound diagnostics”.
The clinical bases of the Department are situated in Kursk regional clinical hospital, Kursk municipal hospital #1 named after Korotkov, Kursk municipal clinical hospital of emergency medical service, Kursk municipal hospital #4 and Regional clinical TB dispensary.
The main areas of the research are development of new diagnostic criteria and improvement of ultrasound diagnostics algorithm in pediatrics and pediatric phthisiology, X-ray computer tomography of diagnostics of ENT organs, clinical X-ray diagnostics in oncology.
Areas of practical activity: consultation of people at clinical bases of the Department, implementation of modern diagnostic methods into activity of Departments of Radio Diagnostics at clinical bases.
The Department staff regularly conducts educational work with students, interns and residents: thematic discussions devoted to various aspects of ethics, deontology, juridical sphere of medical activity of radio diagnostics doctors. This work is aimed to formation of skills in solving of social-psychological problems.
Professor KALUTSKII Pavel Vyacheslavovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Teaching staff: six teachers including one ScD in Medicine, professor, one ScD in Biology, professor, one Ph.D. in Biology, senior teacher, one Ph.D. in Pedagogics, assistant, two assistants without qualification.
The teaching process is carried out at the following faculties:
Microbiology, virology (medical faculty)
Microbiology, virology (faculty of pediatrics)
Microbiology, virology, immunology (faculty of medical and preventative care)
Microbiology, virology, microbiology of oral cavity (dental faculty)
Microbiology (pharmacy faculty full-time education)
Microbiology (pharmacy faculty part-time education)
Microbiology, virology (international faculty)
Microbiology (biotechnology faculty full-time education)
Microbiology (biotechnology faculty part-time education)
Basic concepts of microbiology and immunology (medico-pharmaceutical college of KSMU)
Basic concepts of microbiology infectious safety (medico-pharmaceutical college of KSMU)
Theory and practice of laboratory microbiological studies (medico-pharmaceutical college of KSMU)
The main directions of scientific research are:
- investigation of biotropic influence of weak magnetic fields on biological objects;
- problems of combined infections.
The main direction of practical activity: microbiology, virology, immunology
The social mission (education, sport, voluntary activities): realization of educational work among the students
Professor LASKOV Vitaliy Borisovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
the Presidium member of Russian Society of Neurologists, academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS). The staff consists of three Associate Professors accredited by Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation (HAC RF); 7 assistants including 5 PhDs in Medicine. Scientific degree rate is – 89%. The department obtained “Golden Chair of Russia” award from the Presidium of Russian Academy of Natural History in 2011.
The disciplines such as «neurology» and «neurosurgery» are taught at the medical, pediatric, stomatological and international faculties; at the faculty of preventive medicine, at the faculty of clinical psychology, at the faculty of post-graduate education (clinical residency and internship, extension courses and further professional training of doctors), medical department of medical pharmaceutical college.
Clinical facilities: Kursk regional Clinical Hospital and Kursk Emergency Hospital.
The main directions of the scientific research: studying of adoption mechanisms and ways of its stabilization in nervous system disorders in order to develop effective diagnostic, treatment and prophylactic methods. The diagnostics and treatment problems of primary arterial hypotension, strokes and neuropathies have been investigated and correction of cognitive changes because of surgeries and suicidal poisonings as well.
The name of the Pedagogical School: «Neurologic School of Professor V.B. Laskov».
The direction of practical activity: diagnostic, curative prophylactic and organization methodical work with neurologic and neurosurgical patients. Up-to-date methods of diagnostics and treatment are applied.
The Social Mission: the staff of the department is experienced enough to develop ethic and deontological competence in students.
Associate Professor Pavel Vladimirovich TKACHENKO
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Professor CHERNYKH Alexander Mikhailovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
E.A. Yakovleva – PhD, associate professor; M.V. Banchenko – PhD, senior teacher.
The teaching process is carried out at the faculty of medical and preventative care, medical and pediatric faculty, dental, pharmacy and international faculties.
Scientific fields of the department are about learning of the factors of environment and public health.
Professor BUDKO Elena Vyacheslavovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The Head of the department
Professor VASILENKO Tatyana Dmitrievna
Honored specialist of Higher Education of the Russian Federation.
The staff of the department consists of 12 persons i.e. five Associate Professors, one Senior Lecturers and six assistants. The total number of personnel with a scientific degree is 80%.
The teaching process is carried out at the faculty of clinical psychology and the international faculty. The disciplines taught: general psychology, psychology of personality, counseling psychology, health psychology, methodological problems of clinical psychology, supervision etc.
Practical facilities: regional narcological hospital, children’s polyclinics and Kursk regional clinical hospitals, Kursk clinical mental hospital.
Scientific tendency: «Psychology of corporality», «Social and psychological conditions of forming behavior strategy in children of primary school age in the state of uncertainty, «Integrative approach in psychological counseling and psychotherapy of children and teenagers and their close relations» and others.
Practical tendency of the department: Clinical psychological support of pregnant women, children with psychosomatic disorders and their families, clinical psychological support of patients suffering from oncologic, gynecological, cardiovascular, dermatologic and gastrointestinal tract disorders and clinical psychological support of sportsmen as well.
Social mission: there are two volunteer groups functioning within the department, they are: «Hippotherapy» and «Clearly visible life». The staff of the department is in charge of the KSMU psychological center which is responsible for psychological support of the teaching process, psychological counseling and use of psycho-correctional methods, as well as professionally oriented tendency and others.
SUKOVATYKH professor Boris Semenovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor Khvostovoy Vladimir Vladimirovich
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
2 Doctors of Science in Medicine and 3 Philosophy Doctors in Medicine work at the department.
In 1974 in Kursk state medical institute there was organized an oncology course at the Department of Intermediate Level Surgery.
On June 21, 1996 the Oncology Department with the course of radio diagnostics and therapy was founded. Since 2000 the Oncology Department became independent.
Research fields of the department: surgical treatment of thyroid carcinoma, tumor of head and neck, sarcoma of soft tissue and melanoma.
Professor BEZHIN Alexander Ivanovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Cycles for interns and residents, surgeons, including trauma, children’s and vascular surgeons.
There are 5 teachers.
Professor, MD, Lipatov V.A. – Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical and preventive work, International Faculty.
Associate Professor, PhD, Maystrenko A.N. – Medicine, Pediatrics, Stomatology, International Faculty.
Associate Professor, PhD, Netyaga A.A. – Medicine, Pediatrics, Stomatology, Medical and preventive work Faculty.
Assistant, PhD, Grigoryan A.U. – Medicine, Pediatrics, Medical and preventive work, International Faculty.
■ Study of the pathogenesis and development of the ways of prevention of adhesions of the abdominal cavity, treatment and prevention of conditions associated with excessive scarring after injuries and operations in obstetrics and gynecology, neurosurgery, cardiovascular surgery
■ Development and experimental testing of polymeric implants.
■ Reconstructive surgery of the anterior abdominal wall hernia repair with abdominal hernias;
■ Treatment of purulent wounds of soft tissues;
Associate Professor PASHINA Irina Vladimirovna
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor FELKER Elena Viktorovna
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Professor PISKUNOV Victor Serafimovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The department of otorhinolaryngology began its teaching process on the 1st of September 1939. As the clinical base of the department was chosen ORT-department, which was organized at the end of 1921 at Kursk provincial national hospital.
The teaching process is carried out at the medical and pediatric faculties, the faculty of dental and medical and preventative care, international faculty for 4th-5th year students. Except students’ clinical interns, clinical residents, postgraduates and leaners of the faculty of postgraduate education also take training at the department. Nowadays the department is the republican center in preparation of doctors in endoscopic diagnostic aids and surgery in cases of ORT-organs’ diseases.
3 Doctors of Science in Medicine and 3 Philosophy Doctors in Medicine work at the department.
Professor BARANOV Valery Ivanovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The Department of Ophtalmology staff consists of one Doctor of Science, six Doctors of Philosophy and eight teachers. The Department staff teaches Ophthalmology at such faculties as the Faculty of Public Health, the Faculty of Stomatology, the Faculty of Pediatrics, International Faculty and Postgraduate Faculty.
The clinical bases of the Department are situated in Ophthalmological clinical hospital – ophthalmological center, Kursk municipal hospital #1 named after Korotkov.
The main areas of the research are aetiopathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of glaucoma, pseudoexfoliation syndrome, genetic and immunology research in ophthalmology, peripheral vascular diseases of eyes, anterior segment pathology, optic nerve pathology.
Areas of practical activity: diagnosis and medicinal treatment of visual organ pathology, surgical treatment of cataract, glaucoma, vitreoretinal pathology, heterophthalmia; laser surgery, pediatric ophthalmology.
Associate Professor DUDKA Viktor Tarasovich
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The Staff of the department consists of 3 Associate professors, 8 instructors.
- Goriainova GalinaNickolajevna, PhD,associate professor
- Litvinova Ekaterina Sergejevna, PhD,associate professor
- Razumova Marina Sergejevna, assistant
- Mikhailova Alevtina Igorevna, PhD, assistant
- Kuzmitskaya Olesya Nickolajevna, PhD, assistant
- Kaplin Anton Nickolajevich,PhD, assistant
- Kharchenko Anastasia Viktorovna,assistant
- Radionova Oksana Igorevna,assistant
- Vedenjev Yuri Ivanovich, assistant, Chief of the Pathological Anatomy department of Kursk City Emergency Care Hospital
- Pirogov Andrei Vladimirovich, assistant, pathologist of the Kursk Regional Pathological Anatomy Bureau
Disciplines: Pathological Anatomy, Clinical Pathological Anatomy, Sectional Course, Pathological Anatomy of the Oral-Facial Region, Tropical Pathology, Selected questions of Oro-facial region Pathology
Clinics: Regional Pathological Anatomy Bureau of Kursk region, Pathological Anatomy department of Kursk City Emergency Care Hospital.
Scientific research work is based on the complex scientific programs:
“Regenerative Medicine”, “Innovative fundamental technologies in Medicine”.
The directions of scientific investigation are following:
Immune Pathology in diseases
Magnetic Fields influence
Hypoxic Injury of CNS in perinatal period. Cerebral Infantile Palsy
Preconditioning of Myocardium ischemia
Preclinical investigation of medicines
The directions of practical activities: Pathological Anatomy
Public Activities:
- Tutorial work with students on the formation of skills of health care and on prevention of harmful habits and social valuable diseases;
- Demonstration of the collection of macroscopic preparations in the Museum of macro specimens;
- Sport activities, sport competitions
- Participation in charity events
Professor BOBYNTSEV Igor Ivanovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of medical sciences
The Staff of the department consists of 3 Professors, 4 associate professors, 1 instructor
- Lyashev Yuri Dmitriyevich, MD,professor
- Severyanova Ludmila Anatolyevna, MD, professor
- AntopolskayaElena Vladislavovna, asssociated professor, PhD
- Zaugolnikova Natalya Sergeevna, asssociated professor, PhD
- Krukov Alexei Anatolyevich, asssociated professor, PhD
- Dolgintsev Maxim Evgenyevich, asssociated professor, PhD
- Dodonova Svetlana Alexandrovna,assistant
Faculties: Medical, Stomatological, Medical Prophylactic, Pediatric, International, Postgraduate Education, Clinical Psychology
Disciplines: Pathological Pathophysiology, Clinical Pathological Pathophysiology, Pathological Physiology of the Oral-Facial Region
Scientific research work is based on the complex scientific programs: “Regenerative Medicine”, “Innovative fundamental technologies in Medicine”.
The directions of scientific investigation are following:
- Systematic organization of physiological functions
- Regulative peptides in physiological functions regulation
- Immune Pathology in diseases
The directions of practical activities: Pathological Physiology
Public Activities:
- Tutorial work with students on formation of skills of health care and on prevention of harmful habits and social valuable diseases;
- Sport activities, sport competitions
- Participation in charity events
Professor DREMOVA Nina Borisovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The school of sciences of professor Dremova N.B. is “The market research of Russian pharmacy”. It consists of 18 Candidates of Pharmacy prepared by her and 3 Doctors of Pharmacy. Now it continues to prepare dissertation works.
At the department, except Professor Dremova N.B., there are Associate Professor Stepashov N.S., Senior Teacher Shevtsova E.M., senior laboratory assistant Ovseenko N.I.
Professor KHMELEVSKAYA Irina Grigoryevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Razinkova Nataliya Sergeevna Associated Professor.
Bogomazov Alexey Dmitrievich Associated Professor.
Zaytseva Lyudmila Yrievna Associated Professor.
Yegorova Tatiana Aleksandrovna Teacher, Ph.D.
Zhiznevskaya Irina Ivanovna Teacher, Ph.D.
Fetisova Aleksandra Sergeevna Teacher.
Levchenko Lyudmila Anatolievna Professor, Doctor of Medicine
Fedina Olga Aleksandrovna Teacher.
Minenkova Tatiana Aleksandrovna Teacher, Ph.D.
Gvozdeva Yuliya Anatolyevna Teacher, Ph.D.
Disciplines: pediatrics, neonatology, children infection, children polyclinics.
Clinical basis: Oblastnaya children hospital, Oblassnaya infectious hospital, children polyclinics № 8
Areas of scientific research: correction of immuno-metabolic disorders in children with diabetes mellitus, glomerulonephritis, gastroduodenitis, gastroenteritis.
Areas of practical — consultation of patients, medical advisory work in hospitals (supervision and counseling of patients hospital duty at base hospitals, ICU basic health facilities, carrying out of consultations), participation in the regional society of pediatricians, participation in the training of medical personnel (clinical, pathoanatomical conferences, speeches on the Days of specialists, organization and holding of scientific-practical conferences, seminars).
Extra-curicular work: group of volunteers “Pediatricians for children”, organization of charity actions, different performances and contests for sick children.
Associate Professor MEDVEDEV Nikolay Vyacheslavovich
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Professor KONOPLYA Evgeniya Nikitichna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academician at Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, «Excellent worker of public health», Honored Physician of the RF, Highest category doctor.
The Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases consists of 15 teachers, among them there are two Doctors of Science in Medicine, seven Doctors of Philosophy in Medicine, two professors, six associate professors and six assistant lecturers.
- Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases – Medical, Pediatric, Stomatological Faculties, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, International Faculty.
- Occupational diseases — Medical, Pediatric Faculties, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, International Faculty.
- Practical work «Therapeutic patient’s care» — the International Faculty.
- Practical training «An assistant of a charge nurse», «An assistant of a practical nurse» — Medical, Dental Faculties, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, International Faculty.
Clinical facilities of the department: «District Hospital at the station Kursk Russian Railways», Hospital for wars veterans, Municipal Hospital №3, Municipal Hospital №6
Practical facilities: clinical facilities of the department and municipal hospital №1, municipal hospital №4, Kursk District Hospital, Emergency Hospital
Scientific research tendencies: pharmacology, immunology.
Tendencies of practical activity: curing, consultations and ward-rounds, running a planning meeting, examination of dead patients’ case histories, reports on topical problems of therapy, consultation of out-patients, curators’ visits to the vicinities of the region.
Social mission – vocational, cultural and moral, civil law education of the students.
The Head of the department
Professor PLOTNIKOV Dmitry Vadimovich
The department of Psychiatry of Kursk state medical university was organized on the base of psychoneurological clinic.
The department is on the clinical base in the biggest insane hospital of Central Russia — Regional budgetary institution of health care Kursk clinical insane hospital.
The department consists of 2 Professors, 2 Associate Professors and the external part-time workers who has doctorate in medicine.
The area of researches of the department is the problems of modern psychiatry. The researches in the area of psychosomatics, neurophysiology and integrative medicine are conducted here. The special place belongs to interdisciplinary researches on the basis of the integrated approach to studying of mental frustration.
Professor POGOSOV Albert Vazgenovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academician of Natural Sciences Academy, and Academician of the Academy of Higher Education of Ukraine.
The department of psychiatry and psychosomatics was founded in 2003. It was organized by the rector’s order in January 2003, and until 2009 was called the «Department of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. »
The department has 7 teachers, 3 of which have a degree of Candidate of Medical Sciences, 1 — Candidate of Psychological Sciences.
The department has multidisciplinary structure which includes teaching of 29 disciplines at 5 faculties. It also has a status of graduating department at the Faculty of Clinical Psychology. Classes are held with clinical interns, residents and postgraduate students. Postgraduate studies are also available in the field of Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine.
Clinical activity of the department is carried out on the basis of Kursk Clinical Neuropsychiatric Hospital and its units (day hospital No.1 and No.2, children’s out-patient department, outpatient department of forensic psychiatry), Regional Clinical Hospital (neurological unit), Kursk Regional Psychiatric Hospital, Kursk Regional Hospital of Addiction Medicine, 3rd City Hospital (units of gastroenterology, cardiology, pulmonology), Regional Perinatal Center.
Research interests of the department are focused on studying clinical, pathogenetic and therapeutic aspects of the various forms of dependence from psychoactive agents, neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders, comorbidity of mental and substance abuse disorders.
Social mission of the department is prevention of substance dependence among young people. The department participates in activities aimed at combating drug addiction and prevention of substance dependence.
Associate Professor ZAPESOTSKAYA Irina Vladimirovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Psychology
The Department of Psychology of Health and Correctional Psychology leads educational process at 11 faculties of the university, and also at postgraduate education level– with residents and students of the faculty of postgraduate education. The Department is multidisciplinary. The Department staff includes 3 professors, 2 associate professors, one senior teacher. 71,4% of the staff has the scientific degrees (3 Doctors of Science in Psychology, 2 Doctors of Philosophy in Psychology).
Since 2014 the Department staff had been offering a new specialization in accordance with the requirements of educational standards of the third generation “Neuropsychological rehabilitation and correctional and developing training”.
The main areas of the scientific research are clinical and correctional psychology, psychology of dependence, psychology of health and psychology of professional health, neuropsychology, social psychology of dysontogenesis, organizational psychology.
Within the framework of the research areas scientific-research groups have been organized at the Department. The groups consist of the Department staff members, representatives of practical healthcare and corporate structures and KSMU students.
The Department staff members, professors Nikishina V.B, Molchanova L.N and the associate professors Neduruyeva T.V, Petrash E.A. take an active part in leading a postgraduate training program in social psychology.
In the sphere of scientific and methodology activity the Department workers maintain close relations with the Healthcare establishments of Kursk region (The Center of medical precaution of Kursk region, the Regional detoxication clinic, Kursk psychoneurologicdispensary), Kursk prosthetic and orthopedic factory, Federal Public Institutions of Healthcare of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kursk region; Neurology, Psychiatry and Addiction Medicine Institute of the Academy of Medical Science in Ukraine.
The Department takes an active part in international, Russian and Kursk research projects. The Department workers take part and hold research and practical conferences of various levels.
Associate Professor KOVYNEVA Irina Anatolyevna
The Head of the department
Candidate of Philology
Scientific work: “Word-formation aspect in neology”.
The staff consists of 15 persons; there are 8 PhDs and 4 Associate Professors among them. So 53% of the staff has scientific degree.
The students of the international faculty, the faculties of clinical psychology, social work and economics and management and the faculty of preventive medicine are taught at the department.
The disciplines taught are «the Russian Language», «the Russian Language and culture of communication», «the Russian Language in natural sciences», «the Russian Language in medicine», «Rhetoric».
The main tendency in scientific research work:
Devdariany N.V., Associate Professor, PhD in Philology. Scientific interests: lingual area studies, urgent problems of methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Rubtsova E.V. – Associate Professor, PhD in Philology. The research work is carried out in the sphere of professional communication, future doctor speech etiquette.
Petrova N.E. — Associate Professor, PhD in Pedagogy. The sphere of scientific interests: applied aspects of linguistics, methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Samchik N.N. — PhD in Philology. Scientific interests: ethnic in a language, relation between a language and a culture.
Chirkova V.M. — PhD in Pedagogy. The direction of scientific research work: theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
Sklyar E.S. — PhD in Philology. The scientific interests: various aspects of communication culture teaching to the students of non-philological specialties.
Dmitrieva D.D. — PhD in Pedagogy. Scientific research work is carried out in the sphere of theory and methods of teaching Russian as a foreign language.
The department of the Russian Language and culture of communication actively conducts educational work directed to the optimization of teaching process, improvement of Russian and foreign students’ quality of training, foster respect for the country of object language. It has become a tradition to carry out thematic competitions, poetic meetings, annual Pushkin’s recitation, participation in festivals and readings. Winners and active participators of educational events are rewarded with diplomas.
The Center of International Education “Languages and Cultures” has been functioning since 2011 within the department. The main direction of the CIE “Languages and cultures” – foreign languages teaching and the Russian language as well (native and foreign) to adults, teenagers and young children from the elementary level to advanced one.
Associate Professor KULABUKHOV Alexey Sergeevich
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
- Associate Professor, PhD in Medicine I.A. Nikolaeva
- Associate Professor, PhD in Pharmacy I.V. Tolkacheva
- Assistant Lecturer PhD in Pedagogy L.N. Shulgina
- Senior laboratory assistant E.I. Bogdanova
100% of the staff have obtained a scientific degree.
Disciplines taught at the department:
- Primary care.
- Principles of nurse business
- Organization and conduction of nurse investigations
- Treatment of therapeutic patients (internal diseases)
- Treatment of geriatric patients
- Treatment of surgical patients
- Differential diagnosis and administering emergency medical aid in surgery and traumotology.
- Differential diagnosis and administering emergency medical aid in therapy
- First medical aid
- Propaedeutics of internal diseases
- Propaedeutics in surgery and traumotology.
- Diagnosis in geriatrics
- Theory and practice of nurse business
- Safe patient’s and personnel’s environment
- Technology of administering medical services
Training and curative facility of the department is Kursk District Clinical Hospital.
Main scientific directions of the department:
- Innovation technologies in nurse business;
- The history of nurse business;
- Ergonomic research in nurse business;
- Organization and management of nursing activity;
- Quality of nursing attendance;
- Ethic and legal foundations of nursing attendance;
- Professional standards of nursing practice.
Conceptions of KSMU students’ education have been developed. There are annual plans of educational work with the students. Lecturers regularly carry out different discussions concerning morals, ethics, deontology, culture of behavior including health care facilities. Students visit exhibitions, concert halls, they also take part in different actions, devoted to historical dates (Nurses’ Day, Medical Officer’s Day etc.)
To follow-up patients the coloproctology unit (associate professor Kulabukhov A.S.) and endocrinology unit (associate professor Nikolaeva I.A.) are assigned to the department. All the lecturers perform curative work, have highest qualification categories.
Associate Professor SHULGINA Tatyana Alekseevna
The Head of the department
Candidate of psychological sciences
The teaching staff includes three Associate Professors, four Senior Lecturers and two assistants. There is one PhD in psychology and three PhDs in sociology among them.
The teaching process is conducted at the pediatric faculty, the faculties of clinical psychology, economics and management, the faculty of preventive medicine, the medical faculty as well as at the international faculty in English. This department is graduating for the faculty of social work. The humanities as well as the disciplines of professional and special sets are taught at the department. The theory of social work, the technology of social work and conflictology are among them. Coordination work is carried out about project works, graduation thesis works and practical work as well. Practical facilities include the Administration of Kursk Central District, the Administration of Kursk Seym District, Kursk region Social Security Committee, Kursk regional medico-social rehabilitation center named after St. F. Pecherskiy, Social Service center «Sympathy».
Scientific interests and lines of investigation:
- Psychosocial methods of work with families, children and other categories of patients who have found themselves in difficult situations; methodic supply of the teaching process; educational work among students;
- The development of Russian sociology and philosophy at the end XIX- beginning XX centuries;
- Social rehabilitation of disabled persons;
- Elderly people status in the modern Russian society;
- Regional aspects of the social policy;
- Sociology of management.
The department of social work takes part in the projects of the university and our region concerning social support of students and employees, popularization of healthy life style, volunteer organizations.
Different volunteer groups such as «Search», «Support», «Step forward», and «Stop-AIDS» successfully function within the department of social work.
Professor BROVKINA Inna Leonidovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Academician of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the faculty for International students (sports medicine and exercise therapy), the medical faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the pediatric faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of preventive medicine (exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of nurses with higher education (rehabilitation), the stomatological faculty (exercise therapy).
Fedosova Elena Nickolaevna – Associate Professor, PhD in Medicine, the medical faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the pediatric faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of preventive medicine (exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of nurses with higher education (rehabilitation).
Prokopenko Nadezhda Yakovlevna – assistant lecturer, PhD in Medicine, the medical faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the pediatric faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of preventive medicine (exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of nurses with higher education (rehabilitation).
Primakova Olga Vladimirovna – assistant lecturer, the international faculty (sports medicine and exercise therapy), the medical faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the pediatric faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of preventive medicine (exercise therapy and medical monitoring).
Ananjev Roman Vladimirovich – assistant lecturer, the medical faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the pediatric faculty (medical rehabilitation, exercise therapy and medical monitoring, foundations of healthy life style), the faculty of preventive medicine (exercise therapy and medical monitoring), the faculty of nurses with higher education (rehabilitation), the stomatological faculty (exercise therapy).
Korchagina Natalya Leonidovna – senior lecturer, all the faculties (Physical Education)
Voronina Vinera Takiyanovna – lecturer (teacher), all the faculties (Physical Education)
Kharkovskaya Galina Arkadevna – lecturer (teacher), all the faculties (Physical Education)
Clinical facilities of the department – Kursk region center for medical prophylaxis, the center for medical rehabilitation at Kursk city hospital №1.
Scientific direction of the department – is sports immunology. The aim of the investigations being carried out is a search for medicamental and non-medicamental means of interdependent correction of immunologic and non-immunologic functions in a state of tension (intensive and long physical exertion, overcooling, hemorrhage, and alimentary insufficiency etc.).
The direction of practical activity
- Comprehensive assessment of physical development and functional readiness of a person with the use of anthropometric and somatoscopic examination.
- Development of individual motor regimen for people willing to go in for fitness, monitoring of their state of health and taking into account the effectiveness of the actions being carried out.
- Administration of complex physical rehabilitation (exercise therapy, massage, nature factors) in various nosological forms.
- Monitoring for the effectiveness of the therapy being conducted, with the help of functional tests, medical pedagogic observation during exercise therapy, clinical and paraclinical examination.
Social mission – development priority in healthy lifestyle in students towards harmful habits, inculcation demands of exercise therapy and sports.
Associate Professor KARLASH Anastasia Evgenievna
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
They are 6 teachers, 2 candidates of sciences
The department has its own clinical base, which is located in the urban children’s dental clinic in Kursk.
The scientific directions of the department are:
Prevention of dental diseases:
- determination of the risk factors, assessment of cariogenic situation in the mouth;
- Prevention of anomalies of maxillo-facial area;
- Treatment of caries and its complications in children and adolescents.
The priority areas of the clinical work of the department:
- Orthodontic treatment: all kinds of orthodontic care, including treatment with braces and lingual braces technology.
- Children’s preventive dentistry: all kinds of outpatient dental care for children, including the diagnosis and treatment of dental caries and its complications, non-carious lesions of periodontal diseases.
- Children’s dental surgery: elective surgery in congenital anomalies and maxillofacial region, assisting in acute inflammatory processes of maxillofacial area.
Professor TENKOV Alexander Afanasevich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Luneva Zoja Mihajlovna — MD, FT, Associate Professor;
Glinsky Stepan Vasiljevich — FT, Instructor;
Kameneva Ksenija Jurevna — FT, Instructor.
The basic directions on Department Research:
— Decomposition;
— Forensic pathology (Trauma);
— Forensic document examination;
— Errors in work of judicial physicians;
— Forensic Criminology;
— Forensic anthropology;
— Computational forensics;
— Digital forensics.
Associate Professor TISHKOV Denis Sergeevich
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
Professor DUBROVIN Grigory Mendelevich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Teaching staff: 8 persons. 3 persons – Assistant Professors with PhD., 5 persons – assistants with PhD.
Students of the medical faculty, the pediatric faculty, the faculty of preventive medicine, the international faculty (the 5th course) are taught at the department; for the students of the faculty of secondary professional education (medico-pharmaceutical college).
The clinical sites, the practical sites: Regional Budgetary Health Care Establishment “Kursk State City Hospital № 4”, Non-State Health Care Establishment “Departmental City Hospital at the station named “Kursk” of “Russian Railways”; Federal State Establishment “Kursk Military Hospital of the Russian Federation”.
The main directions of the scientific research are the following: diagnostics and treatment of osteoarthrosis of large joints; minimally invasive osteosynthesis; stimulation of osteoreparation; diagnostics and treatment of osteoporosis; treatment of chronic osteomyelitis; the innovative methods of endoprosthetics of joints.
The directions of the practical work are the following: the organization of the medical-diagnostic process; the examination conducting of the diagnostic quantity level and the treatment in medical prophylactic city and regional establishments; the treatment of the patients with the pathologies of the muscular-skeletal system; performing operations at the patients with the pathologies of the muscular-skeletal system; conducting the rounds; clinical disputing; scientific and clinical conferences.
The social mission: sport-sanitary, cultural-creative; educational.
Professor RAZDORSKAYA Inna Mikhailovna
The Head of the department
Teaching staff: 8 persons. All have either Dr.S.D or Ph.D.
Students of the pharmaceutical faculty are taught here the following disciplines: “Management and economy of pharmacy”, “The history of pharmacy”, “The base of the scientific work”, “Medical and pharmaceutical commodity research”, “The base of the pharmaceutical management”, “Pharmaceutical informatics”.
The clinical sites, the practical sites are Kursk pharmacies.
The main directions of the scientific research, scientific schools – The working up of the methodical approaches for the creation of the conceptual model “Drug providing of the population and medico-prophylactic establishments”.
The direction of the practical work is practical pharmacy.
The social mission is the education during the process of teaching.
Professor BRATCHIKOV Oleg Ivanovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
member of the European Association of Urologists; member of the bureau of the Urology section (#20) of the academic council of the Public Health Ministry of the RF and the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences; member of the editorial board of the journal “Urology”; member of the presidium of the Russian Society of Urologists; chairman of Kursk department of the Russian Society of Urologists.
The Urology department history began in 1939 when the Department of Intermediate Level Surgery of Kursk State Medical Institute was founded. Since formation of a new higher educational institution the staff members of the Intermediate Level Surgery Department taught Urology to students.
In 1996 the Urology Department was formed.
Main research fields of the department are:
- Urologic surgery
- Oncourology
- Prostate gland diseases
- Urinary stone disease
- Inflammatory diseases of urinary organs
3 Doctors of Science in Medicine and 3 Philosophy Doctors in Medicine work at the Urology department.
Professor BUBENCHIKOVA Valentina Nikolaevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The history of the department of pharmacognosy and botany stems from the moment of opening of pharmaceutical faculty in 1966 at Kursk state medical institute.
The department came into existence as part of the department of biology (the head of the department professor G.M. Tkachenko) where was organized the course of botany.
In 1981 there was organized the department of botany which was headed by Alexander Alexandrovich Bubenchikov PhD in Biology, associate professor of the department of pharmacognosy in those years and later professor DsC in Pharmacy.
At the present time 2 professors, 4 associate professors, 3 senior teachers (I.M. Zhukov, L.I. Prokoscheva, Yu.A. Kondratova) and 1 assistant work at the department. The employees of the department conduct scientific researches in complex topics: “Learning of medical plants of Central Russia and carrying out of ecological monitoring for condition of the environment”, “Carrying out of ecological monitoring for condition of the environment in Central Russia and enlargement of raw materials base of advanced medical plants”.
Professor MAL Galina Sergeevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor – 4
Assistant Professor – 2
Assistant lecturer – 6
Faculties on which the Pharmacology taught: Medical, Pediatric, Pharmaceutical, Dental, Medical-Preventive, Biotechnological, International.
Scientific research areas: Pharmacology, Cardiology and Angiology.
Nowadays the research priority of the Department of Pharmacology is continuation of the traditions of Experimental Cardiology and its development primarily in the aspect of study of drugs in multifocal atherosclerosis, endothelial dysfunction and elaboration of line – geriatric pharmacology.
Student Scientific Community is functioning at the Department of Pharmacology under the direction of professor G. S. Mal. Annually about 20 students are busy in the Student Scientific Community. In the last 5 years there are carried out about 100 extraordinary course works.
The implementation of educational goals and objectives at the Department of Pharmacology is carried out by means of:
Subject Olympiad;
- Annual Student Conferences;
- Work of Student Scientific Society;
- Organization of meetings of students with the members of medical and scientific institutions;
- Carrying out of creative evenings, games «What? Where? When? »;
- Demonstration of films of relevant topics;
- Carrying out of excursions and visit theaters and concerts.
Tradition has become a promotion of a healthy lifestyle and prevention of pernicious habits.
Professor PANKRUSHEVA Tatyana Alexandrovna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The staff of the department:
- Erofeeva L.N. — doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor.
- Novikova L.S. -doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, professor.
- Orlova T.V. — doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, senior lecturer.
- Maravina I.N. – candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, senior teacher.
- Chekmareva M.S. — candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, senior teacher.
- Kurilova O.O. — candidate of pharmaceutical sciences, senior teacher.
Pharmaceutical technology, Biotechnology
Base of practices
Pharmacy, Research industrial laboratories.
Scientific directions
Development of rational drug forms: ointments, gels, rectal and vaginal suppositories, tablets, medicinal films, capsules contain antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, reparative and local anaesthetics.
Social mission
Charity actions, upbringing: excursions to the pharmaceutical industryenterprises, historical places and monuments of Russia, meetings with famous people, visiting exhibitions ofart works.
Professor SIPLIVAYA Lyubov Evgenievna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Biological Sciences
member of the Russian Academy of Natural Science.
History of the Department of Pharmaceutical, Toxicological and Analytical Chemistry dates from 1968, that time the Department of Pharmaceutical and Forensic Chemistry was founded.
The main research area of the department is pharmaceutical and chemical-toxicological analysis of biologically active substances, development of the analytical procedures of chemical and therapeutic agents at targeted transport to a body.
1 Doctor of Science in Biology, 1 Doctor of Science in Pharmacy and 8 Philosophy Doctors in Pharmacy work at the department.
PHARMACIES FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Professor KOMISSINSKAYA Irina Gennadevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Pharmaceutical Sciences
The teaching staff consists of 15 teachers.
The teaching process is carried out at the faculty of postgraduate education. During the teaching process there are realized programmes of postgraduate and continuing professional education.
The main professional educational programme of postgraduate pharmaceutical education in internship is carried out in three specialities: “Management and economy of pharmacy”, “Pharmaceutical technology”, “Pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacognosy”.
The practical sites are pharmaceutical organizations of the Russian Federation.
The main directions of the scientific research are the following: scientific evidence of the educational process with the use of innovative technologies, increasing of availability and quality of medical help for population; investigation of educational needs of pharmaceutical staff depending on occupation.
Associate Professor SNEGIREVA Lyudmila Valentinovna
The Head of the department
Candidate of biological sciences
The teaching staff consists of 8 teachers.
The teaching process is carried out at the following faculties:
Medical faculty (1 Course)
Faculty of pediatrics (1 Course)
Dental faculty (1, 2 Courses)
Faculty of medical and preventative care (1 Course)
International faculty (1 Course)
Faculty of pharmacy (1, 2 Courses)
Faculty of clinical psychology (1 Course)
Faculty of economics (1, 2 Courses)
Faculty of social work (1 Course)
The disciplines taught:
- Informatics
- Physics, Mathematics
- New information technology
- Modern information technology
- Theory of probability and mathematical statistics
- Mathematical analysis
- Linear algebra
The employees of the department prepared more than 100 publications in teaching and guiding including more than 50 at the international level, more than 15 at the federal level and more than 35 at the regional level.
The educational work of the department is directed to the increasing of students’ general cultural level, enlarging their scope, formation of tolerance and understanding of other cultures, development of nationalism sense, love to the Russian culture.
SIDASH Alexander Leonidovich
Acting-Head of the department
Professor SCHAVELEV Sergey Pavlovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Historical Sciences
The Department of Philosophy is the essential branch in the system of social-humane education of medical students. At all the faculties of our university the Department staff teaches Philosophy, Cultural Studies, Bioethics, National History, Political Science, Logic, History and Theory of Religion. The Department of Philosophy organizes training of Philosophy, Bioethics and History of Russia for international students in English.
95 % of the staff has the scientific degrees.
The Department staff leads active scientific research work connected with the University specialization. For 2014-2016 professor Shyavelyov S.P., associate professor Nemerov E.N, associate professor Pizhova O.V., senior teacher Nikulina A.G. got a research grant of Russian Humanitarian Scientific Fund (project # 14-33-01018a1 “Spiritual practice as a philosophical problem: ontological, epistemological, axiological aspects”).
The Department holds as regional as international conferences. From June 23 until June 25, 2014 in the University upon the initiative of the Department of Philosophy there had been holding an International Conference devoted to the 150th anniversary of Russian country council establishment. V.A. Lazarenko, rector of KSMU, professor, D.Sc. in Philosophy and Enthony Krener chief of the Foundation Russian History (the Netherlands) took part in the conference.
The Department staff imparts research skills to students, helps to form aesthetic sense and moderate incredulous scientific attitude. At students’ meetings KSMU students talk about pressing problems of medicine and healthcare. The Department workers arrange educative events: excursions, meetings, roundtable discussions, symposiums.
SURGICAL DISEASES FPE (Faculty of Postgraduate Education)
Professor LAZARENKO Victor Anatolyevich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
The department of Surgical Diseases of the faculty of post-diploma education currently has 21 staff members including 9 professors, 5 associate professors, 7 teachers, every department staff member has an academic degree. There are 4 honoured physicians of the Russian Federation — professor V.A. Lazarenko, professor O.I. Okhotnikov, professor B.I. Temirbulatov, associate professor I.V. Chekanov, an honoured worker of Health Care of the Russian Federation – professor G.A. Bondarev.
Six staff members combine their teaching activity with being the head of the department in health care institutions.
Five persons among the department staff are chief non-personnel specialists of the Health Committee of the city of Kursk and Kursk region.
The department of Surgical Diseases of the PDF provides training at the faculty of post-diploma education.
The disciplines taught are: Surgery, Cardio-vascular Surgery, Neurosurgery, Coloproctology, Traumatology and Orthopedics, Thoracic Surgery, Ultrasound diagnostics, X-ray endovascular diagnostics and treatment, Plastic surgery.
Research areas:
- Development and implementation of up-to-date methods of diagnostics and treatment of varicosis, problems of complex treatment of post thrombotic disease of the lower extremities and lymphostasis.
- Deep venous thrombosis of the lower extremities and pulmonary embolism.
- Up-date development aspects of complex methods for conservative and surgical treatment of vascular obliterations.
- New approaches in management of critical limb ischemia.
- Diagnosis, treatment, prevention and prediction of postoperative complications after surgery on aorta and lower extremity arteries and many others.
Social mission of the department
At the department, the organized and effectively functioning system of education is aimed at cultivating citizenship, diligence, morality, respect for the rights and freedom of patients, love of surgery.
Professor IVANOV Sergey Viktorovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Professor NAZARENKO Petr Mikhailovich
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
Associate Professor BUDAEV Alexey Pavlovich
The Head of the department
Candidate of Medical Sciences
The Head of the department
PhD in Economics
The staff of the department includes 14 teachers, 87% of them have PhD.
Belyaev Sergey Alexandrovich — associate professor, candidate of historical sciences
Reprinceva Elena Vasilevna — associate professor, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Chistilina Elena Valerevna — associate professor, candidate of economic sciences
Vlasova Olga Vladimirovna — senior lecturer, candidate of economic sciences
Bushina Nadezhda Sergeevna — senior lecturer
Zyukin Danil Alexeevich — senior lecturer, candidate of economic sciences
Nadzhafofa Marina Nikolaevna — senior lecturer
Sergeeva Natalia Mitrofanovna — senior lecturer, candidate of pharmaceutical sciences
Educational work
The aim of the educational work is providing self-development, self-improvement and self-realization of students on the basis of development of spiritual, moral, intellectual, cultural, ecological and valeological values and formation of professional competence.
The tasks of educational work:
- creation of favorable social and psychological conditions and socio-cultural environment for formation of cultural and professional competences of students;
- formation of patriotic consciousness and active citizenship of students;
- improvement of the cultural level, behavior, communication of students;
- creation of conditions for the sustainable development of creative abilities of students and the organization of their leisure activities;
- development of student clubs and associations focused on professional and personal development of students;
- development of students’ motivation for a healthy lifestyle;
- organization of inter-department interaction in sphere of educational and socio-cultural activities.
The main directions of educational work:
— professional development
— corporate solidarity
— development of social activity
— formation of healthy lifestyle
In 2014 Business club was organized in the department of Economics and Management. The purpose of the Business club is an association of students interested in issues of economics, the popularization of economic knowledge in the student’s environment and the formation of business communication skills.
Implementation of the educational activities is carried out in the unity of the educational and extracurricular activities and is aimed at the formation of professional and cultural competences of students.
Professor ZHUKOVA Larisa Alekseevna
The Head of the department
Doctor of Medical Sciences
member of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD), member of editorial board of the Russian Medical Magazine “Diabetes mellitus”, chairwoman of the Kursk Regional Endocrine Society, Expert of Healthcare.
The academic teaching staff of the Department includes 7 members. Among them there is one Doctor of Science in Medicine and three Philosophy Doctors in Medicine.
A lot of students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Preventive Medicine, the Faculty of Pediatrics study at this Department. Also international students of the International Faculty study at the Department of Endocrinology in English medium.
The clinical base of the Department is the Endocrinology Department in Kursk municipal clinical hospital of emergency medical service.
The main area of the research is organization of diabetology and endocrinology services in the terms of municipal public health service.
Areas of practical activity: consultation of people with endocrine diseases, organization of the regional endocrine society activity, training of endocrinologists at the advanced training cycles, training of clinical interns and residents, directing of the city endocrinology-diabetology center, registration of diabetics, teaching the rules of dietary, physical training, taking of antidiabetic drugs, self-monitoring of glycemia to people with diabetes at the special school for people with diabetes.
The Department staff regularly conducts educational work with students, interns and residents: thematic discussions devoted to various aspects of bioethics, deontology, civil sphere of medicine.