19th October 2020

Students of the International Medical Institute, taking pre-medical courses, participated in the photo competition “Time of Autumn Leaf Fall”, which was organized in the beginning of October. Unfortunately, almost all students shifted to remote training and went back home to their countries, that is why only those, who stayed in Kursk, were able to capture the fading beauty of wonderful warm autumn nature. The first year students, who finished pre-medical courses last year, were among the participants. They fell in love with Kursk and our changing and very interesting nature.

When the contest committee, consisting of the Director of IMI associate professor M.T. Chahine, Deputy Director for Educational Activity of IMI associate professor А.А.Kryukov, Deputy Head of the Department of Education of the International medical institute L.A. Chernyakova, senior teacher in charge of educational work M.K. Luneva, examined the works submitted for competition, it was very hard to distribute awards as all the photos were wonderful and peculiar. Thus, it was resolved to submit them on the KSMU website for review without choosing the winners. It is obvious that all the photos were made with love for Kursk land that has become home for our students.

In order to find heartfelt colours, expressive camera angles, catch the very same moment, it is necessary to have tender and loving soul. Passing pre-university training group No.3 MB made a bright collage after walk at Boeva Dacha, and first year students of the group 1 Fathimath Maahen Mohamed and Aminath Jila Saeed, who finished the pre-university training, took pictures in the heart of the city. After all – beauty is around us, you only need to see it.

Dear friends, admire of the creative works of students of the International Medical Institute.