by ksmuinternal | Oct 23, 2020 | News
This year, the world faced a novel threat that has affected almost the entire globe – with the spread of a new coronavirus infection. At the start of the first wave of the disease, the healthcare system coped with the increased burden. Students, residents and...
by ksmuinternal | Oct 19, 2020 | News
Students of the International Medical Institute, taking pre-medical courses, participated in the photo competition “Time of Autumn Leaf Fall”, which was organized in the beginning of October. Unfortunately, almost all students shifted to remote training and went back...
by ksmuinternal | Oct 18, 2020 | News
Within hard times of coronavirus pandemic, being very far from home foreign students are in need of special support, including assistance of the Administration of Kursk state medical university. Under the supervision of the members of IMI KSMU, meeting all the public...
by ksmuinternal | Oct 8, 2020 | News
On October 08, 2020 the first meeting of the academic council of International medical institute of KSMU was conducted. In order to follow the measures aimed at preventing the spread of coronavirus infection, the event was held in the online regime. All the issues on...
by ksmuinternal | Oct 7, 2020 | News
On October 07, 2020 webinar- remote roundtable discussion, organized by the department of public health and healthcare organization with the infectious diseases course of the Medical faculty, was conducted at Pridnestrovsky State University named for T.G. Shevchenko...
by ksmuinternal | Oct 6, 2020 | News
As part of the project “National Subscription” and with the assistance of the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research (RFFR) the university was granted the test access to foreign scientific resources. Editor Resource and URL Access is opened till Digital Science...