KSMU occupies a prestigious level in teaching Medical Program in English medium and preparing international students. This occupancy shown as being the oldest medical university teaching Medical, Dentistry and Pharmacy Program in English medium and holding the highest number of international students from different nationality as in it spheres.
Over the years, many thousands of international students have graduated from the University and gone on to pursue successful careers. Today, we are home to students from more than 50 different countries. This diversity contributes to a lively and welcoming community, which should make you feel comfortable, and at home.
Form and the contents of the educational process have changed, thus KSMU organized an up-to-date method such as instruction and knowledge assessment are being improved; multimedia lectures, the Centre for practical training, the Centre of quality management to name a few. The training is based on the application of the research results and innovative technologies, initiated by the Department for administration of innovative activity of the university. Principally new information and teaching environment promotes achievement of educational goals and improving the training quality of graduates.
We offer our programs with affordable tuition fees and we are located in the heart of the city, which make all facilities at easy access and affordable living expenses.
Over 9000 students’ study at the university faculties, while the number of applications exceeds the number of admitted by 2-4 times on average.
KSMU welcomes applications from all countries; we have a diverse and vibrant international student community of which we are very proud.
Preparing students to make contributions to society in the medical Health section in the world.
Medical Degree
Duration of Medical Degree
6 years
Pharmaceutical Degree
Duration of Pharmacy Degree
5 years
Dentistry Degree
Duration of Dentistry Degree
5 years.
Clinical Psychology Degree
Duration of Clinical Psychology Degree
5.5 years
Economy Degree
Duration of Economy Degree
4 years
Management Degree
Duration of Management Degree
4 years
Why Choose us?
Type of institution :
State (Ministry of Health of Russian Federation)
Recognized / Listed by :
WHO, GMC, JPA, MMC & other international medical boards.
Personalised learning :
Our classes are characterised by the reduced number of students (13:1 – student: professor) and this means that a great deal of care and attention is on offer.
Tutorial and mentorship :
A guidance and follow up of our student’s personal interest and academic development.
International environment :
Join our vibrant international student community from over 50 different nationalities which makes the learning environment more interesting and enriching at the same time.
Student support and services :
From immigration procedures to safety matters, KSMU Administration will help to ensure your learning and living experience in Kursk is as hassle-free as possible.
Accommodation :
Provided to all KSMU students.
An affordable cost of living :
Kursk enjoys some of the lowest living costs in Russia. Compared to many areas of the Russian Federation, Kursk often has lower costs on items such as accommodation, travel, food, entertainment and shopping, while enjoying the same high-quality goods and services as the rest of the Russian Federation.
Location :
Located in the heart of the city centre, which make all facilities within walking distance.
Applicants Information
When to Arrive
If you are new student, you should follow the instruction of TRC Team Centers. If you are Senior student, you should be in the university before the beginning of each semester by 27th of august for Fall semester and 1st February for Winter semester.
Russian Immigration Inspection
It is important that you have the proper documents to present to immigration officials at the Russian port of entry. Be sure to carry valid visa (Not less than 40 days) document passport, because you will need to show them to immigration officials when you enter The Russian Federation. Please do not enter Russia in tourist visa status unless you are coming to Russia for tourism only. Individuals in tourist visa status are not permitted to enroll in full-time study in Russian educational institutions.
Initial Expenses
You should plan to arrive with enough money to meet the initial expenses of your first month in Russia. You may use an automatic teller machine (ATM) to get Russian Rubles at the airport or university using your existing bank card from home. After you complete your registration in the university, you will be able to open bank account in Russia, in order to receive your monthly expenses through bank transfer.
Customs and Baggage
Inquire at the Russian Embassy or Consulate in your home country for information about customs regulations for visitors to the Russian Federation. This information may prevent unnecessary expenses. Please do not send packages or baggage to the KSMU International Office since we do not have storage space. Once you have a local residential address, personal effects and packages under a certain weight may be mailed to you by international parcel post. Consult your local post office for details.
Medical Records
Prospective students should arrive to KSMU with medical certificate which is evident of being vaccinated against DIPHTHERIA, HEPATITIS B and MEASLES (MMR). Prospective students upon arrival to KSMU will go through medical check-up in Kursk city for acquiring a medical/health certificate and a Medical Passbook. Yearly the Medical Passbook should be renewed as required for any students to be able to access clinical classes.

Registration & Orientation
Welcome to KSMU! Please come in with your travel documents to register with our office soon after your arrival in the Russian Federation. We encourage you to attend a group orientation session when offered and when those are not available to make an appointment for an individual orientation.
The OVIR must register your arrival within 3 working days of entering the Russian Federation.
The staff at the OVIR will provide important immigration-related information and will answer any questions you may have. Students should register at the OVIR office before they start attending their classes.
Now that you have arrived in Kursk City, here are some activities to help you settle-in!
We offer group orientations and walking tours for our new students. During September, October and February, March they are welcome to join our tours. Registration is needed for the walking tours. Instructions are below.
Getting Started
This orientation is a two-hour session that reviews topics such as housing, social security, taxes, travel, health insurance, public and Kursk transportation services, telephones, banking, safety, grocery stores, and more.
Walking Tours
You will be shown places on KSMU campus, and around the university, you will visit shopping complex, market and grocery stores.
Accreditation-simulation Center
Kursk State Medical University always strives to keep up with international trends, to make future technologies available and create an inspirational environment in all areas of activity. These objectives are well reflected in the university’s latest innovations.

The Purpose of the Centre — training of Medical University students and post-grads to the practical skills, the
formation of professional competencies.
The main directions of the strategy;
- participation in the development and implementation of modern management system with all kinds of activities
which are oriented on quality; - participation in the modernization of the content of the educational process, taking into account the latest
achievements of science, engineering and technology; - creation of a system of advanced training in the interests of the projected development of medicine;
- increasing the use of the system of new forms of teaching international students and residents;
- active cooperation with employers on the formation of the requirements for the content and assessment of the
quality of educational programs; participation in the development of the strategic partnership on the basis of a
system of training on cycles of thematic on the orders of institutions and health organizations and social
services, employers and other stakeholders; - expand the scope of information support of educational activity;
- improving the quality of teaching and methodical, logistics, information and personnel support of the
educational process of the University; - formation of social and personal competencies, and education of pupils.
ASC Objectives
- Improving of technical-material and educational provision of a simulation training in high school.
- Formation of professional competence of students of the University for the practical component of training.
- Evaluation of the practical training of students at the university.
- Organization and carrying out activities aimed at continuous improvement and development of practical
training of students at the university.
ASC Options
- Informing about the composition of professors and teachers’ faculty, staffs and students of management
policies in the sphere of increasing the quality of practical training of students of the University. - Develop a long-term plan of development and continuous improvement of a simulation training for the
improving of practical training of students at the university. - Development of proposals on the increase of the skills, training and retraining of personnel of the University in
the field of education quality. - Development of proposals on the practical training improvement of students at the University.
- Methodical and consultative support on the implementation of a simulation training methods.
- Consulting and practical assistance to teachers and students of the University on a simulation study.
- Provision of the conditions for the formation and improvement of professional competencies of students of theUniversity for the practical component of training.
- Conduct and analysis of the results of sociological researches on the satisfaction evaluation of the quality of training of students on the basis of

The structure of the Accreditation Simulation Center (ASC) includes laboratories located at the bases of KSMU:
Emergency Improving Laboratory
Obstetrics and Gynecology Laboratory
Laboratory for Improvement of Surgical Skills
Propaedeutic skills Laboratory
«Pediatrics» Laboratory
«Nursing» Laboratory
«Dentist» Laboratory
Clinical Psychology Laboratory
«Hygienist» Laboratory
«Physicochemical analysis» Laboratory
«Social Assistance» Laboratory
«General Practitioner (GP)» Laboratory
«Interactive Training» Laboratory
TSC activities are provided by staff and freelance employees (employees of relevant departments).
Every year held in an international Olympiad “Teachings” in KSMU. The Olympiad is a team competition in the effective application of knowledge, professional and non-technical skills in the disciplines: first aid, anesthesiology, intensive care and intensive care, General surgery, nursing, outpatient therapy, traumatology, obstetrics and gynecology, disaster medicine, as well as other disciplines. The Olympiad is mainly practical in nature with the stages held in a simulated environment.
Tasks of the Olympiad;
- Increase Students’ motivation to develop professional skills related to the provision of medical care in
emergency and urgent form. - Attracting motivated students from the schools of Kursk city to study at KSMU.
- Developing a culture of an interdisciplinary approach to medical care.
- Development of communicative, leadership skills of students.
- Development of professionally oriented volunteering through the involvement of student volunteers and
schoolchildren as organizers and actors. - Development of simulation training techniques.
Who can participate?
The Olympiad is attended by teams of four people, 4th to 6th year students of medical and pediatric faculties.
Teams apply to the e-FOREM, undergo selection and additional training during the school year.
Academic mobility is the transfer of students or faculty professors to study or conduct research for a certain academic period in another higher educational / scientific institution or clinic with a mandatory re-entry of the completed educational curricula in the form of tests in their higher educational institution.
The main goal of academic mobility is the integration of the university into the international scientific and educational space, which contributes to improving the quality of scientific research and competitiveness in the educational services market.
Since 2011, in accordance with an agreement with the National Union of Medical Students (IFMSA), academic exchange of students of KSMU and students of foreign universities is carried out. From 2014 to 2019, KSMU students travel to clinics in Portugal, Greece, Slovakia, France, Poland, Hungary, Montenegro, Croatia, Czech
Republic, Italy, Bosnia, Serbia, etc., and students from medical universities Mexico, Brazil, China, Slovakia, Lithuania underwent practical training at the clinical bases of KSMU.
Within the framework of the concluded agreements on cooperation in the field of academic exchange, students
from different international universities undergo training in degree programs for a semester at Kursk State Medical
All exchanges are coordinated by the Department of International relation.
So, why not find out more and start your global future, today.